Note: The latest Safehold document can be found here:
It has not been updated in a while with any new official content, but it is a good reference for gathering input for the final part of the Safehold program (Safehold I and Mythic tokens).
Last year, we published a rather detailed idea for Safehold I and Mythic tokens. There was a lot there, as we hoped to create something really new (and more complicated). The whole idea, however, was eventually shelved due to feedback from players, Coaches, DMs and app folks. The main concerns were that the proposed ideas were too complicated and cumbersome for everyone mentioned above. Reluctantly, I agree, so it is time to start over to seek a more simple approach.
So...I hope everyone can perform a memory-wipe -- and start this discussion with a clean slate. PLEASE don't reference anything from last year, as we are starting all over again. We will make something cool – but it must be easy on the aforementioned folks.
Here are my thoughts in no particular order:
1) I want to create the "Mythic" level of Difficulty Rating that will take the place of the “Epic” DR. We will make it more difficult than even the current Epic DR, and we will produce “Mythic” Survivor buttons. We will phase out the old Nightmare level Survivor buttons. Thus, you can gain Survivor buttons for playing on either Normal or Mythic DR. So, we will have Non-Lethal, Normal, Nightmare and Mythic DR, but only Normal and Mythic give out Survivor buttons.
2) The Mythic tokens (which can only be made with Mythic Transmuter tokens gained with a Safehold I token) should not be class-specific tokens as we already have some at the Neck-slot. Let’s make these more applicable to multiple classes.
3) The powers of the Mythic tokens should roughly double those powers of Legendary tokens, but they should cost about 50% more than a 2025 Legendary due to the big cost to make a Safehold I token. Let’s make the recipes the exact same for all Mythic tokens (except the Coin of Wealth).
4) The recipes for the Mythic tokens should be much like other Transmute tokens – using the standard Trade tokens. The only new thing I want to introduce to the whole Trade program is a 100,000 GP Bar that will be used in all Mythic token recipes.
5) While it would be neat to create new characters and new powers/spells, we need to keep it simple. Maybe we can emphasize something new like “Damage Limiting” where a monster will only take 100 points of damage in a round no matter what – unless the attacker has a certain Charm to allow her damage to count beyond the 100-point limit? Whatever new we can add some be somewhat simple to implement.
6) The Coin of Wealth will likely be the only thing some Safehold I owners will make. That token should probably cost more than the other Mythics…maybe 2-3 times a 2025 Legendary.
7) The Mythic tokens should not be difficult to understand and implement. How to make them needs to be an easy and natural extension of the whole Transmute program.
8) We should design ALL Mythic tokens this year, and promise not to make any new ones in the future. That way folks can make informed decisions about what to make, and they don’t have to worry about new cooler Mythic tokens showing up later. The recipes will be fixed, too. Let’s make 12 Mythic tokens – and none of which will be class-specific. They can be targeted toward Melee, Spells, Powers, Ranged, etc. – or grant powers like overcoming the “Damage Limiting” power mentioned above.
These are some thoughts rolling around in my head. I’d love to read your ideas riffing off of the above notes. What 12 Mythic tokens do you want to see – with the Coin of Wealth being a given.
Thank you for your thoughts.