Per the safehold 1 thread (
) mythic is coming and we should discuss it
Jeff Martin wrote: I want to create the "Mythic" level of Difficulty Rating that will take the place of the “Epic” DR. We will make it more difficult than even the current Epic DR, and we will produce “Mythic” Survivor buttons. We will phase out the old Nightmare level Survivor buttons. Thus, you can gain Survivor buttons for playing on either Normal or Mythic DR. So, we will have Non-Lethal, Normal, Nightmare and Mythic DR, but only Normal and Mythic give out Survivor buttons.
While it would be neat to create new characters and new powers/spells, we need to keep it simple. Maybe we can emphasize something new like “Damage Limiting” where a monster will only take 100 points of damage in a round no matter what – unless the attacker has a certain Charm to allow her damage to count beyond the 100-point limit? Whatever new we can add some be somewhat simple to implement.
Problem statements with the current difficulty system
1) Current difficulties have non linear scaling. The jump from normal to hardcore is small. The jump from Hardcore to Nightmare is huge. The Jump from Nightmare to Epic is moderate.
2) Given point 1, and given lack of published modules and data from TD, players can't easily figure out where their build fits difficulty wide. The two most common questions I see are "How much more do I need to add to my hardcore build to make it NM ready if I end up in a NM party", and "Is my build good enough for Epic?" It's very difficult to give solid answers.
3) Combat DMs have to calculate large numbers on the fly against different monster stats. A DM may have a normal party come through a room where they are dealing with +5 damage, and the very next party might be an epic party with a Druid that has +78 poly damage that can also FA cast spells at 60+ damage. (
). Dealing with large numbers quickly is a challenge in and of itself, and Epic level builds add even more complexity. For example, the Barbarian might be +6 damage from rage, while the whole party has boosts from the cleric and bard, and the Cleric's divine intervention requires twisting sliders to different damage values.
4) Difficulty needs to change to match token creep. Not only do we get new slots every several years which require refactoring monster numbers, we also see tokens within a rarity creeping to higher values. This means it's difficult to reuse monster stats or stat principals over time because a "pack rare only" build gets 10% "better" year on year.
Possible Solutions
1) Normalize difficulty scaling for Normal -> Hardcore -> Nightmare. Personally. I'd target hardcore against pack rare builds, and Nightmare against 5th level UR builds, and try to make it more linear in scaling - ex, you want +5 hit for normal, +10hit for hardcore, +15 hit for Nightmare. For epic and mythic I have a different suggestion below.
2) publish modules or at least monster stats regularly again. That way the players and community can address problem 2 above on their own.
3) To ease the load on DMs, I'd like to suggest a different way to adjust builds for Epic and Mythic. Instead of scaling the monster numbers higher to match the builds, why not just use the nightmare monster stats, but apply penalties to the builds similar to how games like Diablo handle higher difficulties? For example, maybe epic subtracts 5 from hit, saves, ac, and subtracts 10 from damage. Maybe mythic just divides those values by 2 or even 3. This could add some load to coaches calculating the values for the party card, but I suspect most players at Epic and Mythic level are using tools for character builds, in which case these modifiers could be added programmatically.
If the character penalties are handled only in coaching, there is also a nice side effect - consumables stay relevant across more difficulties. Right now a potion of bulls strength isn't super useful at NM and Epic. but +2 hit and +2 damage when your hit and damage are divided by 3 in coaching is suddenly much more meaningful.
4) I know this comes up every year, but avoiding new slots, leaning more into reprints for C/UC/R. and keeping a close eye on balance at UR would really help constrain having to adjust monster stats for each difficulty, especially at NM and lower.