The Accursed items seems a bit all over the place.
Belt of the Accursed at +4 STR, -3 will, is:
* a fair amount worse than Belt of Stone Giant Strength (UR +4 STR, -1 Reflex saves)
* very much worse than Rare completion token Belt of the Brave (+2 to melee hit and damage).
I think +5 was the right STR bonus for this given its substantial will penalty.
Recommendation: take this back to +5 STR, -3 to will saves.
Cloak of the Accursed: In my mind DEX doesn't really belong in the back slot, but overall this is just a bad token for a slot that normally grants +3 to saves, or +2 to saves and some beneficial effect at UR. I think this effect would be bad on a rare token, let alone a UR.
Consider this cloak versus UR Lucky Cloak:
* Cloak of the Accursed: +2 to hit with ranged, +2 to AC, +2 to Reflex Saves, -3 to Will
* UR Lucky Cloak: +3 to Reflex Saves, +3 to Fortitude Saves, +3 to Will Saves
Would you trade +2 to hit with ranged and +2 AC for -1 Reflex, -3 Fortitude, and -6 Will saves? That's the bargain implied by Cloak of the Accursed. I wouldn't take it.
Recommendation: Rework this, maybe: +4 to AC, Reflex, and Fortitude saves, -3 to Will saves
Earcuff of the Accursed - Seems fine.
I understand the desire to have 3 tokens that are all similar stat bonuses and -3 will saves to motivate the set bonus and sum up to the transmute, but some of these pieces don't make sense on their own to me.
Alternative thought: effectively giving +9 Will saves as a set bonus is crazily high for a 3 piece UR set bonus.
Outside of +1 level bonuses, most 3 piece URset bonuses are things like +4 retribution damage, or +2 to STR and +5 to HP, or regen 3 HP at start of room.
I think the idea having three -3 will items and negating that as a set bouns may be causing problems with these tokens.
Here's another way to approach this set:
Belt: +4 STR, -1 will
Cloak: +3 to AC, Reflex, Fortitude, -1 will
Earcuff: +3 CON, -1 will
Set bonus: +3 will.