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TOPIC: 2026 Ultra Rare Tokens

2026 Ultra Rare Tokens 4 days 9 hours ago #1

We had more tweaks/changes here due to your feedback. There will now be a Accursed Set whose set power is to remove the accumulative -9 to Will saves from the three UR Accursed items. Note that there is also going to be Relic and Legendary Accursed tokens.

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Geek Dreamweaver
Author of the never-to-be-released "The Secret of Trees"
Last edit: by Jeff Martin.
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2026 Ultra Rare Tokens < = Latest Version 4 days 8 hours ago #2

Where's the Silver UR weapon?? :)

If we will be fighting Werewolves and Vampires it would be cool to have a Silver UR weapon of some sort. Maybe replace the Goblet with one. And maybe there could be a Relic/Legendary transmute path for it.
"Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our point of view" - Obi Wan Kenobi
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2026 Ultra Rare Tokens < = Latest Version 4 days 8 hours ago #3

Now that Hat of Critical Thinking is Melee and Ranged it can just say:

"Negates Crit/Sneak Immunities for your attacks & +5 to base dmg on Critical hits"

Which is shorter.

Does this add +5 to the "base damage" of spells that can critically hit for some reason? (E.g. the Sharpen Mage Power which allows slid spells to critically hit).
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2026 Ultra Rare Tokens < = Latest Version 4 days 8 hours ago #4

  • Raven
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Thanks for this really nice set of URs, Jeff (and everyone who has given feedback)

I'm really liking all the named tokens, and I'm glad some of our excellent Volunteers are getting the recognition they deserve!

I had one comment which got lost on an older iteration of the UR threads, so I'm going to repeat it here:

I have one comment as a Combat DM:

The Hat of Critical Thinking adds +5 to base Damage on a Critical. Okay, that's a pretty reasonable boost (for +10 to the crit, or +15 for those who can triple crit). No complaints on the power level.


There's no easy way for the DM to know when a player is wearing this hat.

Unlike most expanded crit ranges which are printed on the weapon token, the DM won't see this particular detail, so players are going to have to call it out every time.

As a DM, I'm already trying to track things like Dwarf Fighter's Triple Crit for Level 5 (which I can visually spot if they're wearing a purple player card) and Rogues with Expanded Crit ranges on their Relic/Legendary Necklace (which I have to ask for, but I can usually guess if they're playing on Nightmare or Epic).

This is a UR token which adds a new mechanic that most DMs won't be watching for, and that many players will forget to call out (especially if they're unfamiliar with the chaos of combat.)

Don't get me wrong: I like the token as an idea.
I just feel for our already overworked DMs and the players who are going to have to shout yet another detail at them (if they remember)


Some different ideas?

- adds +1 damage to all attacks (can be recorded on party card that way)
- heals X HP on a critical (players can track this on their own)
- Party with no Bard can ask for Bardic Lore on a Critical when wearing this hat?

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Last edit: by Raven.
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2026 Ultra Rare Tokens < = Latest Version 4 days 8 hours ago #5

Thanks for putting back Ring of the Vampire, and adding a secondary remove blight effect to Shirt of the Lycan.
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2026 Ultra Rare Tokens < = Latest Version 4 days 8 hours ago #6

Since it hasn't gotten talked about a lot, I'll just say: "St. Gubb's Gorget" is great!
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2026 Ultra Rare Tokens < = Latest Version 4 days 7 hours ago #7

The Accursed items seems a bit all over the place.

Belt of the Accursed at +4 STR, -3 will, is:
* a fair amount worse than Belt of Stone Giant Strength (UR +4 STR, -1 Reflex saves)
* very much worse than Rare completion token Belt of the Brave (+2 to melee hit and damage).

I think +5 was the right STR bonus for this given its substantial will penalty.

Recommendation: take this back to +5 STR, -3 to will saves.

Cloak of the Accursed: In my mind DEX doesn't really belong in the back slot, but overall this is just a bad token for a slot that normally grants +3 to saves, or +2 to saves and some beneficial effect at UR. I think this effect would be bad on a rare token, let alone a UR.

Consider this cloak versus UR Lucky Cloak:
* Cloak of the Accursed: +2 to hit with ranged, +2 to AC, +2 to Reflex Saves, -3 to Will
* UR Lucky Cloak: +3 to Reflex Saves, +3 to Fortitude Saves, +3 to Will Saves

Would you trade +2 to hit with ranged and +2 AC for -1 Reflex, -3 Fortitude, and -6 Will saves? That's the bargain implied by Cloak of the Accursed. I wouldn't take it.

Recommendation: Rework this, maybe: +4 to AC, Reflex, and Fortitude saves, -3 to Will saves

Earcuff of the Accursed - Seems fine.

I understand the desire to have 3 tokens that are all similar stat bonuses and -3 will saves to motivate the set bonus and sum up to the transmute, but some of these pieces don't make sense on their own to me.

Alternative thought: effectively giving +9 Will saves as a set bonus is crazily high for a 3 piece UR set bonus.

Outside of +1 level bonuses, most 3 piece URset bonuses are things like +4 retribution damage, or +2 to STR and +5 to HP, or regen 3 HP at start of room.

I think the idea having three -3 will items and negating that as a set bouns may be causing problems with these tokens.

Here's another way to approach this set:

Belt: +4 STR, -1 will
Cloak: +3 to AC, Reflex, Fortitude, -1 will
Earcuff: +3 CON, -1 will

Set bonus: +3 will.
Last edit: by Matthew Hayward.
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2026 Ultra Rare Tokens < = Latest Version 4 days 2 hours ago #8

If you're dumping the cool crossbow transmute, is there any chance we could just get an assassin crossbow reprint instead of the current crossbow? Or perhaps a functional reprint that isn't restricted to two classes but still has the rogue special bonus.
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2026 Ultra Rare Tokens < = Latest Version 4 days 2 hours ago #9

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2026 Ultra Rare Tokens < = Latest Version 4 days 2 hours ago #10


These are looking great.

Charm of Fickle Fate
I really like the 1-5 range. I would consider equipping this now but it’s not an auto include.

Ioun Stone
The change to “choose at start” is good.

Figurine - Pilgrim.
This is in a good spot now too.

I really like this item. I would change the limitation to 1/room instead of 1/combat. Many combats go to the 12th minute and puzzle rooms can dish out damage. I think that “quality of life” change will simplify its use too and be welcomed without changing the power level.

Accursed Items
I initially thought these looked okay but on reading the comments, these might need a little tweaking. -3 Will is steep and without going for the set bonus I’d probably not bother equipping them as they are written now. Maybe -2 Will?

Hat of Critical Thinking
I like this but am empathetic to combat DMs. In the throes of combat the damage bonus might get overlooked. I don’t have a great suggestion on what to add to replace the damage bonus but honestly don’t think one is needed - for players who care about overcoming crit and sneak immunity is powerful already.

Greaves, Mace, Crossbow, Vampiric Ring, St Gubbs, MM Bead, Trinity Set, etc…
All the other tokens look fine to me.
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2026 Ultra Rare Tokens < = Latest Version 4 days 37 minutes ago #11

Charm of Fickle Fate: would it be too powerful if you removed the "when used next action" part? Because that would simplify it -- 1-5 is rolled, use the special power or spell right away, and don't mark it off
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2026 Ultra Rare Tokens < = Latest Version 4 days 24 minutes ago #12

Shirt of the Lycan seems very weak. A once a game ability seems more like a figurine of power thing.

As an example Shirt of Blessed Strength gives +2 strength as a 4 star transmute and giving the +1 to hit and +1 damage all the way through seems like a better token at that slot and it is below UR.

All the shirts that fed into the arcanum shirt were also far better. Shirt of Focus is also better, all because they do what they do all the time.
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